The Student Leadership Challenge: Activities Book
by James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner, Beth High & Gary Morgan
Building on the research behind The Leadership Challenge®, The Student Leadership Challenge® approach is used by a growing number of educators who are committed to helping young people discover the leader within.
Practical experience is critical to learning, and while students may respond well to presentations and discussion about The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® model, there is no substitute for hands-on experience that enables students to deepen their understanding as they put the Practices into action. This Activities Book will help you create those experiences for your students.
Designed for use with high school and undergraduate college students as they embark on their personal leadership journeys with The Student Leadership Challenge, and flexible enough for students of all levels, this guide includes more than 50 activities to help educators bridge the divide between teaching The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership conceptually and helping students learn to actually apply and practice them in their lives.
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